Friday, May 6, 2011


The three principles that I that are the best to me are discovery principle, committed learning, and practice principle.    Learners can comprehend more when trying things out for themselves instead of just listening to a teacher and that is it.  Repeating and practice is one of the best ways to learn because you tell your brain or body to do it over and over again and then it just comes natural to you and it becomes hard to forget.  This is the same thing as when I learned how to play soccer.  Over time kicking the ball just became natural to me and I didn't have to think about it before doing it.  Discovery principles are one of the best as well because it consist of the students collecting infromation for themselves and coming up with all of the data from reasearch that they come up with.  This is more likely for the students to remember as well because since they researched it they are more likely to remember what it is about. All of these principles would benefit the best because they would involve the students using what they and trying things for themselves.  Rather than the teacher teaching one certain thing and the students just learning that one thing.

I would stress the importants on how being in cardio-vascular shape is an important factor when it comes to your physical health and being in shape for competing with other students within the school district between the varsity girls soccer.  I would have the girl students focus on keeping their heart rate up for long periods of time by jumping rope for ten minutes, different sprint drill, and different passing drill with the soccer ball.  Also another big thing to incorporate in would be shooting the ball while running.  This is really important to know how to do when in motion because it is very difficult at times.  Another drill we would need to know is different routes when performing a out of bounds or penalty kick. 

As a teacher it is very important for my students to know the importance about all of the different types of learners.  My job is to make sure all of my students know and understand what I am trying to teach.  If they do not understand from a visual aspect then I will make sure they can learn it written out on paper.  The best way to know if my students are learning is to have them all perform what it is they have been taught and then as the teacher I can tell them what they need to work on and adjust.  This will be so exciting for me to get out there and experience it all. 

JONASSEN, DAVID, HOWLAND, JANE, MARRA, ROSE M, & CRISMOND, DAVID. (1999). Meaningful learning with technology 3rd edition . New Jersy,New York: Pearson.

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