Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 7

What types of writing activities would you make the best use of technology in your classroom?

Collaborative writing would be great to use in the classroom.  This would allow students to come up with their own ideas and share it with other students throughout the classroom on the internet.  This would be great because it lets students view things from a different perspective and not just their own.  This will be able to open up the students to something different and new and they could either have the same view or a different opinion and the topic. 

We are creating PowerPoint this week, how would you Not let PowerPoint presentation distract your audience? Do you think you can follow the potential pitfalls from the textbook?
I would make sure to keep my slides pretty much looking the same when it comes to fonts and size.  If they change a lot it may be a distraction.  Also talking about to many different topics can be a distraction so staying with the main topic is a big deal to keep the learners attention.  You do not want the learner to feel like there is to much infromation and it is overwhelming.  Also it is very important to choose the right template that matches the information in the slide.  These will all help keep the learners attention and staying on the right track. 


I think that collaborative writing is a great way to let students learn and from a different perspective.  This allows students to see what other students view and other opinions on the subject rather than just their own.  This is a great way to let students open up to new ideas and have a better understanding and more views on certain subjects.  I think after reading the material on ways to keep learners attention more when using powerpoints will be benefical.  There are different things that can be a huge distraction and these simple facts will make it easier to help the learner to stay focused.  Just stay on your focal point so you do not lose the audience.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with
          Technology (3rd ed.). Columbus, OH: Pearson.

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