What are personal digital assistants? How do you use them in the classroom?
Personal digital assistants are a small hand held computer. There are many different types of personal digital assistants and some have more features than others. They can be used in classrooms because the act the same as a computer just smaller. Students can use personal digital assistants to take notes and share them with other students or transfer them onto another computer to keep for notes for a test or whatever it may be for a reference to help out in the classroom. There are also different programs that can be downloaded on the personal digital assistants where students can use them in different subjects that have to do with graphs and charts. This will really come in handy for math or algebra classes. Personal digital assistants help in a huge way to make it easy for students to stay organized in the classroom. Everything they need is right there in there hand.
Why do we use online survey tools? How does it help us in our classrooms? What are two good rules for writing good surveys in your opinion?
Online surveys are used to find out certain information on what people like and dislike. They can be used to find out the way people feel about anything. This is really good to use in marketing so businesses can find out what people like and dislike and they can change whatever it may be to get more business. If people are not able to tell a business owner how they feel they may never be able change what they need to so that they can please the customers. This is where online surveys come into play. Surveys in the classroom can be beneficial by having students come up with their own questions and then review all of the feedback from their survey and analyze other students view rather than just their own. I think the most important thing is how the questions are asked in the survey. If the question is confusing then the person answering the question may not be able to answer the question properly.
I think that personal digital assistants can be very benefical to students in the classroom. This is a great way for them to be organized and have all of the materials they need right in there hand. These hand held devices could also save trees because students would not need paper to take notes on any longer. It would also save time for students because they would already have information typed up and then they could just save it onto their computer at home. Also if they have the program where they could see charts and graphs they would have it right there in there hand and be able to learn from a visual perspective and I think it is easier for students to learn this way. I think that online surveys would be great to use in the classrooms because students get not only their perspective but other peoples views and opinions as well. So something another student thinks could be something another student would have never thought of and may give them even more ideas about a certain topic or subject. I think that both personal digital assistants and online surveys will be very benefical in the classroom.
Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with
Technology (3rd ed.). Columbus, OH: Pearson.
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